Objective: to discuss the relationship between the slide distance of the dorsal digital aponeurosis and the flexion of the PIP and provide anatomic basis for clinical repair.
Normal gait was restored in all cases. Flexion deformity of toes disappeared in neutral position of ankle joint, and mild flexion deformity of toes existed in dorsal expansion position of ankle joint.
Conclusions: the decrease of the slide distance of the dorsal digital aponeurosis will influence flexion function of fingers.
Follow-up 8 to 24 months, no significant flap bloated appearance, good texture, good ankle flexion and extension, walking normal, and only the lateral dorsal sense of numbness.
随访8 ~24个月,皮瓣外观无明显臃肿,质地良好,踝关节屈伸运动良好,行走正常,仅感足背外侧麻木。
Follow-up 8 to 24 months, no significant flap bloated appearance, good texture, good ankle flexion and extension, walking normal, and only the lateral dorsal sense of numbness.
随访8 ~24个月,皮瓣外观无明显臃肿,质地良好,踝关节屈伸运动良好,行走正常,仅感足背外侧麻木。