Soft dot: Half-tone dot with soft halation or fringe around it, AS oppsed to a hard dot which is very sharp and without fringe.
The height of quantum dot has more influence on luminescent properties than the radial of quantum dot with the built-in electric field.
One involved tracking a moving dot with the computer mouse, and the other involved responding to letters presented on the computer screen.
The statistic characteristics of single photon emission in single semiconductor quantum dot with pulse excitation have been investigated.
LCD, in place of traditional CRT monitor, is connected with an8-bit MCPU. The program in8K-bytes assemble language can correlate LCD's matrix dot with the data of RAM.
Participation of your governance CoE using the DOT with each governed project is a critical element that helps to ensure the proper use of and adherence to your governance solution.
It is proved that existence and uniqueness on systemic positive equilibrium dot with the state feedback. Gives the asymptotic steady condition in positive equilibrium dot of the said system.
The relations of the vibrational frequency, the ground state energy, and the mean number of phonons of the strong-coupling bound magnetopolaron in a quantum dot with the temperature are derived.
Glass hives offer a close-up view of the bees at work, with the queen bee in each hive marked by a white dot.
Think dark jeans with a bright polka-dot top, or contrast a nude shift dress with a tailored spotty jacket.
We dot our favorite vector field with it.
The class names begin with a dot prefix.
A dot file is a convenient place to keep options and Settings, because (per UNIX heritage) file names that begin with a dot do not appear in a standard directory listing.
The extension after the dot names the class; the tag before the dot specifies which tag is associated with the class.
Basically, whenever the last argument of a method is an array of objects, or a parameter declaration with a triple dot, you can pass multiple parameters to this method.
For now, the firm has teamed up with an oil company, Royal Dutch Shell. The computer-maker plans to dot a prospecting area with thousands of wireless sensors.
And the idea is that when you do these Lewis dot structures, we're representing electrons with dots, which we'll see in a minute, and each dot is going to represent a valence electron.
This means that the Spaces between the bookmark title and the referenced page number on the table of contents are repetitiously filled with the dot character.
A similar technique is used when applying the unique filter to the outer query, with dot notation used to indicate the field by which results are to be filtered.
The lander set down on the moon by Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong in 1969 is at the center of this image, a small white dot [arrow] with a long shadow stretching to the right.
Avoid taking shortcuts, and always consider how your adaptation of the DOT Framework approach aligns with Kotter's recommendations.
I'm going to teach you — - just like with the dot product — two methods.
Now comes my method number two as we had with the dot product, is a geometrical method.
Once you have a set of cool "dot files," share with others.
Once you have such a formula, you do the dot product with this vector field, which is not the same as that one.
Methods are invoked (as in the Java language) with the dot (.) operator.
Most of the characters have no mouths, dot eyes, and stick limbs; those with lips are unintelligent.
Most of the characters have no mouths, dot eyes, and stick limbs; those with lips are unintelligent.