A problem in which the line of dendrogram slips out of place in double byte languages was fixed.
These numeric values represent the number of bytes in single-byte data and the number of double bytes in graphic or double-byte data.
This standard specifies the graphic characters in the single-byte and double byte codes, as well as four-byte coding structure make provisions.
It gives double the LENGTH function value if double-byte data type is used as input.
This leads to non-support for the double-byte character input/output used by the Japanese, Korean, and Chinese character sets.
This means the default font setting in the system cannot display the characters for double-byte languages.
Generating PDF content for an international audience poses challenges, especially since the double-byte nature of languages like Japanese, Chinese, and Korean require special considerations.
This is especially true for double-byte language fonts, where the minimum height is generally larger than that of single-byte language fonts.
The second version demonstrates the additional steps needed to generate the PDF for double-byte languages
The first version shows how the generated PDF cannot display double-byte languages properly without using the Unicode-embedded fonts.
第一个版本说明如果不使用嵌入式unicode字体,为何生成的PD F不能正确显示双字节语言。
In the Windows operating system, Microsoft provides the Arial Unicode MS font, which enables the display of characters in most languages including double-byte languages.
This article described the Informix 4gl features and how UTF-8 support enhances Informix 4gl applications by handling double-byte languages.
本文描述了Informix4gl的特性以及UTF - 8支持如何通过处理双字节语言来增强Informix 4gl应用程序。
However, the TrueType font alone is not enough to render data in double-byte languages.
Double-byte Character Set (DBCS) support.
To ensure that the double-byte data is rendered correctly, take the following steps to embed the Unicode font for use with fop.
为了保证正确地呈现双字节数据,请按照下面的步骤将使用的Unicode字体嵌入到PD F中。
So specifying a -m128bit-long-double will align "long double" to a 16-byte boundary by padding the "long double" with an additional 32-bit zero.
因此指定一个- m 128bit -long -double会将“long double”按照16字节边界进行对齐,它会为“longdouble”填充32位的0。
Modern architectures (Pentium and newer) would prefer "long double" to be aligned to an 8 - or 16-byte boundary.
Internally, it USES four byte signed integer values and double values to represent a number.
Support for a form of multibyte character set (MBCS) called double-byte character set (DBCS) on all platforms.
Used only if you've selected or installed double-byte language support.
Communications are supported in any language, including double-byte character sets, such as Chinese.
You selected a single-byte font to replace a double-byte font. Please select a double-byte font.
Double - byte or single - byte katakana characters cannot be used for password.
Double - byte or single - byte katakana characters cannot be used for password.