The fruit clusters are susceptible to downy mildew.
Five fungicides were compared for control Cabbage Downy Mildew.
Downy mildew is a major foliage disease of cucurbit crops in the world.
The cucumber downy mildew is a common disease of cucumber and cause serious loss.
Disease index of downy mildew index and bacterial angular leaf spot was 0.8 and 1.3, respectively.
This study will be a base for exploitation the phytochemical fungicide against the grape downy mildew.
Antracol 70wp can effectively control downy mildew on cucumber and Chinese cabbage, and early blight on tomato.
安泰生70 %WP可有效地防治黄瓜霜霉病、大白菜霜霉病和番茄早疫病。
This study suggested that BFS01 WP had a valuable perspective for controlling the grape downy mildew in fields.
本研究表明B - FS01可湿性粉剂对葡萄霜霉病具有良好的田间应用前景。
Climatic and seedling raising patterns are the key factors for the occurrence and widespread of rice downy mildew.
Methods Using the time series analysis of cucumber downy mildew disease, to explore the forecasting method from the Angle of methodology.
Effects of systemic fungicide metalaxyl on the development of downy mildew in infected sunflower leaves were examined with electron microscopy.
First, ICRISAT mapped the genomic regions of pearl millet that control downy mildew resistance, grain production and straw yield under drought conditions.
Now, the markers of powdery mildew and downy mildew in cucumber have been found, but there was no report on molecular markers of cucumber wilt up to date.
The composite can be processed into a wettable powder and a deflocculant and has good control effects on vegetable diseases of cucumber downy mildew, etc.
Methods of control downy mildew included utilizing medicine and closing a greenhouse at high temperature, but were ultimately to produce resistant varieties.
These have performed as well as or better than their parent lines in terms of grain and straw yield, and possess a markedly improved resistance to downy mildew.
This paper reported typical symptoms of cucumber downy mildew in early and mid-late stage, described 5 of its non-typical symptoms and analyzed the causing reasons.
The antibiotic 2507 has also satisfactory effect for controlling chinese cabbage downy mildew disease infected by Peronospora parasitica Fr. with efficacy 87.5%in field test.
Downy mildew is one of the most serious grape diseases, the usual treatment method presently is the application of chemical fungicide, but excessive spray brings many severe problems.
The experimentation results indicated:adding water to dilute 60% Flumorph-mancozeb for 700 times in the prevention and cure of cucumber downy mildew, the effect was good, economy and safe.
Identification showed that corn crazy top caused by Sclerophathora macrospora(Sacc. )Thirum et al, was one of corn downy mildew. Effective measures for control of this disease were also discussed.
Identification showed that corn crazy top caused by Sclerophathora macrospora(Sacc. )Thirum et al, was one of corn downy mildew. Effective measures for control of this disease were also discussed.