You create a mapping by clicking next to an operation on the left and dragging the end of the connection to the corresponding interface on the right.
Soon a handful of Chen's workers will be standing up to their armpits in the water, dragging nets across the ponds and forcing the tilapia all into one end.
Rapid assembly of enterprise mashups : end users assemble new mashups by dragging and dropping widgets onto the page, wiring them together
快速组装Mashup ——最终用户只需将widget拖放到页面上并将其连接在一起,即可轻松组装新的 Mashup。
What, then, is the meaning of dragging the thumb to one end of a calendar scrollbar?
The right (blue) end will end up quite long, so the lacing may need to be adjusted to make that end shorter and prevent it dragging.
Do you think we might end the discussion there? I see no point in dragging it out any further.
You can change the position of the camera by dragging the blue circle around with the mouse in the 2d views, and where it will point by dragging the other end of the line around.
You can change the position of the camera by dragging the blue circle around with the mouse in the 2d views, and where it will point by dragging the other end of the line around.