She lifts Tohin's hand, which is own brother to the hoof of a drayhorse, and examines it to see whether 'tis a stone in the frog or a cast shoe he has come for.
她抬起托宾的手,这手活像运货马的马蹄。 她仔细端详着,仿佛在检查是有石头卡在了蹄楔中,还是掉了只马蹄铁。
She lifts Tohin's hand, which is own brother to the hoof of a drayhorse, and examines it to see whether 'tis a stone in the frog or a cast shoe he has come for.
她抬起托宾的手,这手活像运货马的马蹄。 她仔细端详着,仿佛在检查是有石头卡在了蹄楔中,还是掉了只马蹄铁。