You can select the staff verb of your choice from the drop down box.
The format name should be provided in the format name drop down box.
Fill the forms as shown in Figure 11. Select the login module jar from drop down box.
This menu provides many checkpoint parameters, shown in the drop down box in Figure 10 below
In the Method column of the product row, select Pass data item value from the drop down box.
Click on the Details TAB to see the editable drop down box for the plug-in configuration JNDI name.
To change the current value to the desired database, use the drop down box under the WebSphere Bindings section.
This is very similar to the screen for a Load job, except that we have one extra drop down box to enter Query Name.
这与加载作业的屏幕非常相似,只是还有一个额外的下拉框用于输入Query Name。
To approve changes to a person's details, we use a drop down box where the user can choose to accept or reject the changes.
With this drop down box you can change the author of the post to be any user with user level equal to or less than your.
With this drop down box you can change the author of the post to be any user with user level equal to or less than your.
To compress the message payload, select the desired compression algorithm from the drop down box, as indicated below by the blue arrow.
The application automatically detects available COM or USB-to-COM ports and makes them available in a drop down box on the toolbar.
应用自动检测可用的COM或US B到COM端口和他们在一个下拉框,工具栏上可用作。
Post author: with this drop down box you can change the author of the post to be any user with user level equal to or less than your.
Once you click on the style that is already applied, the drop down box allows you to select all instances of text that have this style applied.
Select the Parent product from the drop down box. When this product is selected for an order, the Offer product (s) that you define will be suggested to the customer.
On the next screen (Figure 6), name the Create DB generalstore and select From the Use DB drop down box, select generalstore and run the script show in Listing 16 and Figure 7.
Also, notice the use of the JSP: include tag to include the CalendarServlet which displays the current month, day, and year, as well as a drop down box to select the departure date.
Each of those three forms provides a HTML drop-down box that is populated with the account holder names.
First there is a drop-down box that shows each of the data series from Listing 1.
Think about it: If you have a drop-down box or a radio button that limits the user to a certain amount of input, you may be tempted not to worry about validating the input.
With this option, you can use the drop-down box to browse the workloads and to find the one that you want to run.
In the left pane, you will see a drop-down box of rule types.
To change the type, you could just select the type field and select it from the drop-down box.
Figure 14 shows that you can either select the report type from the drop-down box or manually check mark the required reports available below.
The result is a list of inventory items that appear on the screen when the user selects a new type from the drop-down box on the page.
In the Shared Settings mode in the portlet, there is a drop-down box to select a service and to create custom search queries or tag filters for that service.
You can switch between databases at any time through a database drop-down box on the top of the page.
Modifying the contents of a secondary drop-down box based on a selection made in the first.
Modifying the contents of a secondary drop-down box based on a selection made in the first.