Just as a 9.2% plunge on 27 February was seen as a buying opportunity, Monday's 7.7% drop merely brought new demand into the market.
Another violent drop in share prices could have disproportionate effects on confidence and hence demand.
On the face of it, this represents a big drop in China’s demand for foreign assets.
"On the import side, the increase in demand for fossil fuels, to offset the drop in supply of nuclear energy, is unlikely to fade anytime soon," she added.
If the local electric company has too much supply or very little demand at, say, 2 a. m. on a Wednesday, the utility will drop the price per kilowatt-hour.
A separate report from the Commerce Department on Wednesday showed that factories saw demand for their products drop sharply in January.
According gto the WGC, global gold demand during the second quarter of 2014 was 964 metric tons, a 16 percent year-on-year drop.
It is understood there were concerns about whether demand for stores on Regent's Street and other parts of London owned by the Crown would drop after a vote for Brexit.
A drop-on-demand ink-jet printer has been used to print a silver-organic solution onto glass substrates.
A drop-on-demand ink-jet printer has been used to print a silver-organic solution onto glass substrates.