In reindeer, even if they're missing a circadian clock, melatonin levels still spike when it's dark and drop when it's light, making the equinoxes an ideal time to synchronize their annual clocks.
Reporting a further drop in domestic pork prices and warning against diminishing hog-breeding incentives that could lead to a spike in prices later in the year.
Growth wobbled in the second quarter of this year for various reasons (a spike in French imports and a drop in German construction, for example).
If there is a drop in X-ray receipt when GOES-O is in eclipse behind the Earth, why would there be a spike when the satellite is at dusk?
倘若GOES - O卫星在地球后面被遮蔽时,收到的X射线的量下降了,那卫星在黄昏的时刻X射线的量又怎么会上涨呢?
Compute environments designed for peak loads often see utilization rates drop with idle compute resources when the project that created the spike is complete.
They found a spike coinciding with a drop in mammoth numbers some 15,000 years ago. To see how much less land birch would have covered, they used elephants as a proxy.
They found a spike coinciding with a drop in mammoth numbers some 15,000 years ago. To see how much less land birch would have covered, they used elephants as a proxy.