Others have argued that Japan's stagnation was due to poor capital allocation, resulting from a reluctance to close failed Banks, which in turn were unwilling to shut off credit to inefficient firms.
Central Banks must get into full fire-fighting mode, too. In particular, that means offers of unlimited two-year liquidity from the ECB, which was due to meet after the Economist went to press.
Due to the fear from bankrupt, the people withdrew the saving, that further lead to more Banks corrupt.
But we think it will avoid an outright capitulation and experience a more orderly decline due to the continuing interest from Asian central Banks in the single currency.
When real estate development companies apply for loans from commercial Banks, it is an incomplete information static game between the two parties due to asymmetric information.
When real estate development companies apply for loans from commercial Banks, it is an incomplete information static game between the two parties due to asymmetric information.