Article 42 the amount of anti-dumping tariffs shall not exceed the dumping margin determined in the final adjudication decision.
Article 3 the MOFTEC shall, on the basis of a full-scale investigation, determine an individual dumping margin for each responding exporter or producer.
The amount of the provisional anti-dumping tariffs, the cash deposits, the guaranty letter and other forms of guaranty shall not exceed the dumping margin ascertained in the initial awards.
The amount of the provisional anti-dumping duty, cash deposit, bond or other forms of security provided shall not exceed the margin of dumping established in the preliminary determination.
When the amount of the anti-dumping duty I assessed on a prospective basis, provision shall be made for a prompt refund, upon request, of any duty paid in excess of the margin of dumping.
The duties would be set at the amount required to offset the margin of dumping and to restore fair competition to the market.
Article 3 These Rules apply to the antidumping investigations by questionnaires, which are done by the MOFTEC for determining the dumping and the margin of dumping.
The amount of the anti-dumping duty shall not exceed the margin of dumping as established under Article 2.
The amount of the anti-dumping duty shall not exceed the margin of dumping as established under Article 2.