The flood victims have received both sympathy and assistance from the international community during the flood season.
During the flood season, the river overruns its Banks for several miles.
For Ms. Khatun and other villagers, life is difficult during the flood season.
During the flood season, the Poyang Lake helps keep down floods on the Changjiang River.
Shows the hole strobe arranged in dam upside, undertakes flood prevention duty during the flood season flood-fighting.
Dwindling to a series of ponds during the dry months, the river can rise almost 300 feet (91 meters) during the flood season, covering the rocks where cavers stand.
Based on monitoring the sequence of suspended sediment concentration during the flood season, the configuration of the back flows of water from Yangtze River can be observed.
Shanghai Municipal Sewerage Company (SMSC) is in charge of the drainage and wastewater treatment in Shanghai City, especially for the rainfall drainage during the flood season.
Some of the species are flooded and vanished during the flood season. Only some tall grasses survive with high tolerance of submergence. The dominant species belong to Gramineae and Cyperaceae.
The paper systematically illustrates the research methodology and technical framework of regulating flood by using various limiting levels of reservoir during the flood season in the Hai River Basin.
Accordingly, the accident of tailings dam break during flood season is studied by applying fault tree analysis that includes minimum cut sets, minimum path sets and structure importance.
Based on the strong destructiveness of dam breaking during flood season, the technology scheme of closuring dam-breach with box-shape configuration substance is introduced.
The rainfall in Shandong Province during flood season witnessed an evident change in the year of 1979, after which there was an apparent decrease in the rainfall.
A number of netizens even compared the ordeal of buying a ticket for Avatar to getting hold of a train ticket during Spring Festival, the holiday season when migrant workers flood home for reunions.
Its trial operation during flood season bespeaks that the system can meet the requirement of time effectiveness for water regime information transmission.
Its trial operation during flood season bespeaks that the system can meet the requirement of time effectiveness for water regime information transmission.