As load increases, dust concentration in producer gas also increases.
Respiratory dust content in air I creases with raising of dust concentration.
The seam water injection is an effective measure to control coal dust concentration.
Dust concentration in the gas depends upon the type of gasifier, intensity of load and type of fuel.
Apply to wet or with oil, dust concentration of dust, can also be used for large-size dry dust, the effect is better.
The K-Factor correlated linearly with dust concentration, this is due to the variation of dust particle median diameter.
A piezoelectric-balance type PM-10 monitor used for measuring the inhalable dust concentration indoor has been developed.
Methods dust concentration of mine area and the levels of lipid peroxidation of workers exposed to coal mine dust were studied.
Objective To demonstrate the problem which occurs during the course of measurement of dust concentration with present recognized method.
The dust concentration distribution on the electric field section in ESP is not uniform, this is one of reasons to produce secondary blowing dust.
The effect mechanism of separating performance and grade efficiencies of the dust concentration at the inlet of a cyclone separator was discussed.
The utility model is suitable for purifying smoke gas for high-dust concentration power station boilers, industrial boilers, industrial furnaces, etc.
The quality of the treated starter powder was in accord with liquor-making requirements and dust concentration and noise indexes met national requirements.
Sorbents of SO2 would circulate through some of FGD systems, which made the dust concentration high. The bag precipitator will work in high operating load.
For the present experimental conditions, it is found that the flame propagation velocity is a weak function of dust concentration in cornstarch dust clouds.
After dust mobilization in the desert in Northwest of China, dust was forced to transport to Southeast. Dust concentration was reduced while transportation.
This paper establishes a GM (1, 1) model from the statistical data to predict the dust concentration. It is proven that the method is effective and practical.
The potential problem was showed with these results. Results The data gotten from such test can not represent the reality of dust concentration at workplaces.
The relations between the maximum explosion pressure, the maximum quantity of draw-off heat and coal dust concentration, methane concentration were calculated.
Choose a stone homework workers 60 people as control group: use noise meter measuring work environment noise and dust sampler determination of dust concentration.
The dust concentration and velocity of turbulence have significant effects on the level of explosion and measurement of the minimum ignition energy of dust clouds.
This paper presents a method of measuring the particle mean size and dust concentration by small angle near forward light scattering optics and the extinction theory.
The spatial and temporal distribution and development of dust concentration and structure were simulated by a coupled dust model with non-hydrostatic mesoscale model.
Results The total compliance rate of dust is 86.35%, among them the average dust concentration in rolling plants is the lowest and in iron-smelting plants the highest.
For the dust concentration limit of inlet gas in other industries, we should select in reference to concentration limit specified in the other type of bag dust collectors.
At the same time, electrostatic discharge generated sparks can ignite flammable in the bag filter dust, dust concentration reaches a certain line when the explosion may occur.
At the same time, electrostatic discharge generated sparks can ignite flammable in the bag filter dust, dust concentration reaches a certain line when the explosion may occur.