Modifying the dynamic linker search path.
At runtime, the application loads the dynamic linker.
The dynamic linker then gets to do all the fun work.
For example, if the dynamic linker can't find a given library, it will abort loading the program.
The dynamic linker can do a fair amount of work for each function linked, so most linkers are lazy.
Nevertheless, the dynamic linker accepts the semicolon notation, with the semantics described above.
The dynamic linker is controlled through /etc/, which contains a list of directories to search by default.
通过 /etc/控制动态链接器,该文件包含默认搜索路径的列表。
To link this into executables, you need to enable both the compile-time linker and the run-time dynamic linker to find it.
In short, your life is too short doing such messy things, unless you are already an expert, e. g. able to implement your own dynamic linker.
If this member is present, one or more relocation entries might request modifications to a non-writable segment, and the dynamic linker can prepare accordingly.
假如dt _ textrel类型的数组项存在,表示一个或多个重定位表表项可能请求对一个非可写段进行修改,动态连接器能因此而做相应准备。
The pseudo client is a dynamic library; the library name is stuffed into the environment variable LD_PRELOAD, which the dynamic linker loads before loading any other libraries.
pseudo客户机是一个动态库;库名保存在环境变量LD _ PRELOAD中,动态链接器会在装载其他库任何之前先装载它。
The dynamic linker can check for a matching version number. If the library has changed, the version number won't match, and the program won't be linked to the newer version of library.
如果更改程序库,那么版本号就会不匹配,程序也就不会被链接到较 新版本的程序库。
The dynamic linker can check for a matching version number. If the library has changed, the version number won't match, and the program won't be linked to the newer version of library.
如果更改程序库,那么版本号就会不匹配,程序也就不会被链接到较 新版本的程序库。