It can be used for simulating variety of loads, and doing dynamic loading test. Simulating results indicate that this system possesses good dynamic performances and meets the design requirements.
Rescue boat davit (life raft davit) to be done static (dynamic) loading test.
The dynamic constitutive model of concrete is established based on the loading condition and the results of the test.
This paper presents the drained test of saturated tailing sand in dynamic simple shear apparatus by measuring volume change of the sample under cyclic loading.
The fatigue behavior of cement-sodium-silicate-grouted soil is investigated by cyclic loading test of dynamic asymmetric sine wave load.
The bearing capacity of soft subsoils of Xiangtan-Shaoyang Expressway is been studied by the methods of slab loading test, the portable dynamic probe test and the cross plate shear test.
Consequently, model test and dynamic loading experiment are conducted aside from carrying out field trial laying of rails and observation upon it.
Objective to test the hypothesis that collagen is a significant determinant of skin viscoelasticity, with particular attention paid to the thermomechanical properties of skin under dynamic loading.
Verified with the solid example of engineering, the loading capacity of composite foundation estimated by the light dynamic penetration is close to that by the static test.
In this paper, a new detection approach to jointly use static plate loading test, dynamic penetration test and dynamic rigidity test and to establish associated mathematic model is proposed.
The results of plate loading test and low strain dynamic testing show that the quality of CFG pile composite foundation is good and subgrade bearing capacity has been improved successfully.
The different loading periods of seabed soil were also simulated by dynamic triaxial test system.
There was obvious scattering for the test results of dynamic fracture toughness under high loading rates.
There was obvious scattering for the test results of dynamic fracture toughness under high loading rates.