"I think when I get home," Molly says, "I'll eat in moderation."
The message for consumers is to eat a diet with a balance of all of the food groups and foods such as red meat in moderation.
Eat in moderation and you can continue to indulge yourself with these treats that also happen to offer a host of health benefits.
You might be an "everything in moderation" sort of person, which means you decide to eat chocolate only once a week instead of every day.
If you do not eat nutritious food in moderation, exercise regularly and get enough sleep you will never lose weight and your body will never be healthy.
So take exercise, eat sensibly, drink in moderation, stop smoking, buy insurance and try to plan management cover in the event of an accident or other enforced absence.
So, while you should make sure to only eat sugar in moderation, a small taste of ice cream, cookies, or chocolate can help you to lower your stress levels almost instantly.
Take good care of yourself. Eat a healthy diet, exercise, and use alcohol and other drugs in moderation.
Of course we still need to eat them in moderation and the type of carb is important.
Instead, make sure to eat enough fruit and vegetables, protein and carbohydrates-and indulge in moderation.
Much of the advice handed out is simple common sense: adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eat and drink in moderation, do not smoke, take regular exercise but don't overdo it.
It urges people to eat a healthy, balanced diet, rich in calcium and vitamin D, avoid smoking and only drink alcohol in moderation.
Don't deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy, just eat them in moderation.
You can eat what you like, if you do it in moderation.
You can continue to eat the foods you love, but in moderation.
You can continue to eat the foods you love, but in moderation.