That willpower bore fruit when Jennifer graduated from University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and became the first in her large family to earn a bachelor's degree.
She chose the UW-Eau Claire program at Ministry Saint Joseph's Hospital in Marshfield because she was able to pursue her four-year degree close to home.
The contest is open to everyone, but preference is given to authors living in the Eau Claire, Menomonie, and the Chippewa Falls region.
In a champagne glass pour EAU DE VIE DE FRAMBOISE and 1 Fresh Raspberry.
I use the eau DE toilette from Issey Miyake!
The Jet d' Eau of Geneva has a rich history.
Avon Far Away Dreams Eau DE Parfum Spray 1.7 fl. oz.
Avon Far Away Dreams Eau DE Parfum Spray 1. 7 fl. oz.
62miss Douce said yes, sitting with his ex, pearl grey and eau DE Nil.
Curt Manufacturing in Eau Claire makes metal ball hitches for trailers.
We make the EAU Congress happen because we have your support, interest and participation.
"He's doing very well, " said his father, a diesel technician at Eau Claire Machine and Volvo.
Ingredients eau, cetyl alcohol, hydrolyzed keratin, hydrolyzed wheat protein, parfum, citric acid.
"Being patient with me when I'm late, especially when I make her late, too." -tom H., 45, Eau Claire, wi.
Jim graduated from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire and has got a master degree with a double major.
Romantic, ultra feminine, exquisitely refined, the parfum of YSL Paris... in the lighter Eau DE Toilette form.
With a cup of eau-de-vie and intoxicated fragrance while sightseeing the night view of Huangpu River, Aren't you drunk?
一杯eau - de -vie在手,伴随着开放式厨房里飘出的令人陶醉的芬芳,眺望窗外浦江夜景,醉了没?
Located on the beach in Manalapan, Florida, Eau Palm beach Resort is a short drive from shopping and the city of Palm beach.
National natural scenery protection zone of Yandang Mountain and the second largest reservoir in Zhejiang Eau Creek reservoir around.
Eau DE toilette has around 1-6% perfume concentrates. This makes for a light scent that doesn't linger as long as the more intense versions.
梳妆水的香精含量大约为1- 6%,香气比较淡,持续的时间也没有那些香精含量更高的香水长。
The Eau campaign was a marketing coup and sales went through the roof from 12 million bottles in 1980 to 152 million by the end of the decade.
这些活动打出了漂亮一击,销售额从从1980年初120万猛涨*2到年末的1520万。 *2: Gothroughtheroof: 英国习语,形容商品的猛涨。
By contrast, in poor homes in Turkey the first act of hospitality is the offer of lemon eau-de-Cologne to apply to the visitors' hands, arms, neck, face.
It was almost dark in the room, and very hot, while the air was heavy with the mingled, scent of mint, eau-de-cologne, camomile, and Hoffman's pastilles.
For instance in the sentence, “I was born in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, on May 24, 1913 and was baptized in a church, ” has seven ideas according to the researchers.
Odours are known to regulate moods, thoughts and even dating decisions, which is why any serious romantic will throw on the eau DE toilette before going out for a night on the town.
Controllers were able to re-established audio communication with the flight crew at 8.14 PM, when the plane was over Eau Claire, Wisconsin, said Tony Molinaro, an FAA spokesman in Chicago.
English spelling may be the most idiosyncratic, although French gives it a run for the money with 13 ways to spell the sound “o”: o, ot, ots, os, ocs, au, aux, aud, auds, eau, eaux, ho and ö.
英语的拼写或许是最特殊的。虽然法语与英语也有得一拼,法语有十三种拼写组合发“o”音:o,ot,ots,os,ocs,au,aux,aud,auds,eau,eaux,ho还有 ö。
English spelling may be the most idiosyncratic, although French gives it a run for the money with 13 ways to spell the sound “o”: o, ot, ots, os, ocs, au, aux, aud, auds, eau, eaux, ho and ö.
英语的拼写或许是最特殊的。虽然法语与英语也有得一拼,法语有十三种拼写组合发“o”音:o,ot,ots,os,ocs,au,aux,aud,auds,eau,eaux,ho还有 ö。