The stability of arch dam against elastic buckling has always been ignored.
The efficiency of the elastic buckling matrix perturbation method is proved by calculating numerical examples.
The structural linear elastic buckling analysis has also been carried out to prove the good stability of the structure.
The regression formulae were obtained to determine elastic buckling coefficients of the forementioned rectangular plates.
Second, the elastic deformation, the elastic stress distribution, and the local and global elastic buckling modes were calculated and presented.
Besides static strength, the problem of optimization and design was studied when the failure took place owing to structural linear elastic buckling in this paper also.
This article adopted Ritz method and divide-fit mathematical method, solved the problem of elastic buckling of thin plate under compression and bend multiplicity action.
A shallow shell model is developed for the elastic buckling of a single wall carbon nanotube under a uniform external axial pressure by using the nonlocal elastic theory.
The analysis and contrast of deformation pattern, state of stress, plastic deformation history, plastic limit load and limit load of elastic buckling are analyzed and contrasted.
The major purpose of the paper was to investigate the resistance capability of plates to local buckling in concrete filled steel tube by elastic buckling analysis of steel plates.
The dynamic buckling of elastic structures, such as beams and plates, when subjected to an axial impact at one end, is studied in the present paper based on the theory of stress wave propagation.
Both instances of elastic and inelastic are considered in flexural buckling.
When a welded I-section plate girder is subjected to bending or shearing, buckling of web in elastic range will be restrained by flanges.
The impact buckling of static Preloaded elastic structures subjected to impact loading is studied.
The elastic plastic buckling analysis is completed on bucking load and buckling mode of thin wall cylindrical shells fully filled with liquid under axial compression.
The strength of the junction may be limited by plastic collapse of the junction or by elastic or plastic buckling of the ring.
The authors not only obtain a catastrophic model of vibrational buckling of elastic arches, but also give the critical condition of losing stability.
This paper also deals with the lateral buckling of the beams compressed within the elastic limit, and presents the solution of the continuous beams within lateral load as a special example in passing.
文中还简便地论及了该梁的弹性屈曲。 同时,作为特例本文顺便给出了一般连续梁的解答。
In this paper, the elastic stability of reinforced concrete silo shell roof is analyzed using finite-element model. The elastic critical buckling loads of the shell roof are calculated.
The results show that stitching significantly improves critical buckling loads, the buckling loads increase rapidly with increase in equivalent elastic coefficient of stitching thread.
The finite element analysis software ANSYS was adopted to analyze the elastic-plastic buckling behavior of SPDB with stiffened panel at both edges.
Elastic dynamics method predicts that stress wave has remarkable effects on dynamic buckling of the nano crystal copper wire. Comparison with molecular dynamics resu...
Elastic dynamics method predicts that stress wave has remarkable effects on dynamic buckling of the nano crystal copper wire. Comparison with molecular dynamic...
An axially compressive thin-walled steel element on elastic foundation is adopted to deduce the critical stress and critical diameter to thickness ratio for circular steel tube in local buckling.
A traditional Split Hopkinson Press Bars (SHPB) device is adjusted and applied to study the impact buckling and postbuckling of elastic bars.
Secondly, a classical elastic flexural-torsional buckling tests on arch is introduced, which is simulated by shell element SHELL63 and beam element BEAM189 of commercial software ANSYS.
The two kinds of nonlinear buckling (primary buckling and secondary bifurcation buckling) of elastic arches are elaborated in detail.
In order to study how the static preloading affects on the buckling stability of columns or cylindrical shells, a simple imperfection-sensitive elastic-plastic model is used.
In order to study how the static preloading affects on the buckling stability of columns or cylindrical shells, a simple imperfection-sensitive elastic-plastic model is used.