Students will be exposed to the theories and concepts of both concrete and steel design and analysis both at the element and system levels.
A more flexible and maintainable system built with patterns is therefore a critical element for a successful SOA.
A key element in the data model is the set of statistics gathered about the data contained in the database and stored in the system catalog tables.
For example, if a stereotype S is applied to the element E, the system will display E in Project Explorer and on diagrams for that element.
举个例子,如果一个原型S被应用到元素E,系统将会显示 E在项目浏览器中 ,并且在图表里显示元素。
Listing 6 shows a snippet for a new SQL database system capability, including both the element declaration and type definition.
Only the element is specifically generated for the week view, everything else is the same for all views and could be saved in the file system or a database.
It's a common use case for an object-oriented system to have to traverse a collection of objects and perform some action against each element in the collection.
Earlier, I mentioned that there were two major interactivity elements in the Swappable system: highlighting the dragged element and highlighting the drag target.
Does the XML namespaces recommendation define anything except a two-part naming system for element types and attributes?
In IBM DB2 9.7, both the activity and statistics event monitors have a DETAILS_XML monitor element that stores an XML document which contains a wealth of activity and system metrics.
在IBMDB 2 9.7中,活动和统计事件监控器都具有DETAILS_XML监控器元素,该元素存储包含大量活动和系统指标的XML文档。
You would not need to know the ID and can leave out that attribute, letting the system create its own unique ID for that element.
NASA is providing the LDCM spacecraft, the instruments, the launch vehicle, and the mission operations element of the ground system.
The two core concepts of ontology are system and element, where.
The submission system is the element of the user interface and supporting logic that allows for the exchange of information between the Web browser and server components of the Web application.
提交系统是用户界面的元素,并支持在Web浏览器和 Web应用程序服务器组件之间交换信息的逻辑。
The requires element provides a way for you to specify required operating system and bit architecture configuration for the virtual machines deployed for your plug-in.
In this article, you'll learn what information can be put into a SOAP element, and how to design a fault-handling system using version 2.2 of the Apache SOAP toolkit.
在本文中,您将了解什么信息可以输入到SOAP元素中,以及如何使用Apache SOAP工具箱版本2.2设计故障处理系统。
This example assumes that your element list file is named filename.dtd and resides on your computer (SYSTEM versus public if pointing to a public file location).
这个例子假设元素列表文件的名称是filename . dtd,并且位于您的计算机上(如果指向公共文件位置,则SYSTEM和PUBLIC是相对的)。
In Galen's model each element of the generative system is common to both women and men, a mirror image of each other.
NPP is a risk reduction mission for NPOESS, and will be the first major element of the next generation U.S. Earth observation system when it is launched in 2010.
A structural element can be a subsystem, a process, a library, a database, a computational node, a legacy system, an off-the-shelf product, and so on.
For one particle, element and subsystem of the system, there is no order to say.
The infrared sub image system with rosette scanning is composed of a rosette scanning mechanism and a single element infrared detector.
The composition of the simulation system, data processing flowchart and simulation mode that included the missile dynamics, sensitive element and variable structure controller were given.
The element is composed of an internal steel truss system and the skin of the element is built with wood which locates the intervention within the chromatic palette and texture of the landscape.
Everybody should be clear for one element: in this world, there is one set of complete and rigorous organized financial system exist, that is world Union Funds.
大家必须明白一点的是,在这个世界上,是有一套完整和组织严密的金融体系存在的,它就是- - -世界联合基金会!
In this project we examine two essential questions: How can an infrastructure element that is a protected monument be programmed and made part of the urban system?
Note: Notice how in both Listing 7 and Listing 8 the doctype-system and doctype-public attributes available to xsl:output-encoding are also available for the xsl:result-document element.
注意:在清单7和 清单8 中,对xsl:output-encoding可用的doctype-system 和 doctype-public属性也对 xsl:result-document元素可用。
Our specialized products and services cover the entire health element of your product quality guarantee system - for increasing your profit and the efficiency of your operation.
The fourth part discusses the element tasks of staff performance management system, including management by objectives and job analysis.
This paper analyzes the skid-mounted seawater purification equipment using classic mechanics and finite element method. On this basis, the system body is assessed for strength.