NET technology, writing software for embedded operating systems such as Windows CE became as easy as writing a desktop application.
In engineering practices, embedded systems often needed high-level real-time and this brought forward higher requests to embedded operating systems.
They have carried this philosophy over to their mobile offerings as well, providing complete PDF viewers for Windows mobile and other embedded operating systems.
Wind River has years of experience with so-called embedded operating systems, starting with its own VxWorks and eventually extending to include Linux, which underlies Android.
Provides runtime analysis and component testing capabilities for software executing on embedded or real-time targets — from 8-bit microchips to 64-bit real-time operating systems.
It particularly excels in embedded systems, but you should also consider it as a compelling alternative to more mainstream servers, desktops, and laptop operating systems.
Choosing software released under the BSD license gives wider operating room for commercial products, which is another reason NetBSD is so well suited for embedded systems.
Linux and Apple operating systems have an embedded SSH client.
It does not use the BlackBerry operating system; instead RIM has developed a new OS based on QNX, a Unix-like operating system widely used in embedded systems.
One of the most important issues with embedded systems is the need for a real-time operating system.
One of its more glamorous uses as an embedded operating system is to power the in-flight entertainment systems on some Virgin and Qantas long-haul jets.
Embedded systems may use a ROM-based operating system or a disk-based system, like a PC.
Because of the increasing complexity of the embedded systems, the embedded operating system has become the most important part of the embedded system.
RTEMS (real-time Executive for Multiprocessor systems) is a free open source real-time operating system designed for embedded systems.
It's already the top operating system for smartphones and supercomputers, and is widely used in embedded and industrial systems.
Due to the increasing complexity of the embedded systems, the embedded operating system has become the most important part of the embedded system.
The invention relates to an internal memory releasing method for embedded real-time operating systems, portioning off a block of internal memory region in a system in advance;
RTEMS (real-time Executive for Multiprocessor systems) is a free open source real-time operating system designed for embedded systems.
Microkernel-based operating systems are increasingly being used in embedded devices for their minimization and reliability features.
Microkernel-based operating systems are increasingly being used in embedded devices for their minimization and reliability features.