Ringgit became the first currency of an emerging market economy traded in the Chinese inter-bank foreign exchange market.
The Indian economy has one of the highest inflation rates among emerging market economies and is in danger of overheating.
First, the structural strength in the global economy resides in the emerging market economies.
An analysis of the sales data and trends from these services and others like them shows that the emerging digital entertainment economy is going to be radically different from today's mass market.
Europe's open economy is most exposed to a cooling in emerging-market demand, which is why more monetary easing there looks likely.
Emerging market countries argue that it is unacceptable for the Europe and America to continue to stitch up the top jobs even as they take a growing share of the global economy.
Europe's open economy is most exposed to a cooling in emerging-market demand, which is why more monetary easing there looks likely.
Europe's open economy is most exposed to a cooling in emerging-market demand, which is why more monetary easing there looks likely.