He was an old emigre gentleman, blind and penniless, who was playing his flute in his attic, in order to pass the time.
Thus Madame DE Dey, noble, rich, and the mother of an emigre, could not be unaware of the dangers of her cruel situation.
But rather than volubly objecting to the plan, which is backed by a vocal emigre lobby in Germany, Mr Tusk blandly defused the row.
That was not the Habsburg style: his family maintained cordial relations with Europe's other emigre royals, but his business was more serious.
Afro-Cuban emigre Philbert Armenteros, founder of the Miami band Los Herederos (The Inheritors), says his music can channel important messages from the gods of his African ancestors.
非洲裔古巴人流亡者、迈阿密乐队Los Herederos(The Inferitors)的创始人PhilbertArmenteros说他的音乐能够传达来自他的非洲先祖之神的重要信息。
An emigre returning after several years away says a gentle change is blowing across the country, like the wind that deposits black sand from the Karakum desert over Niyazov's white marble capital.
An emigre returning after several years away says a gentle change is blowing across the country, like the wind that deposits black sand from the Karakum desert over Niyazov's white marble capital.