The 'No, Nice Air-Conditioning Is Not a Competitive Advantage' Award to the Emirate of Dubai
In the neighbouring emirate of Dubai shoppers are invited to enrol in "Mall Walkers", a power-walking club that promises to give more than your credit card a workout.
The municipality of Dubai is the largest city of the Persian Gulf emirate of the same name, and has built a global reputation for large-scale developments and architectural works.
Dubai -owned airline Emirates said it would build one of the world's tallest hotels to cater for growing Numbers of tourists to the Gulf Arab emirate.
Talk about a holiday in the Gulf and everyone thinks of Dubai – understandably so, for the Emirate is by far the most popular destination in the region.
While Ferrari prepares its theme park in Abu Dhabi, in neighboring emirate Dubai they're gearing up for the grand opening of the first F1-X theme park.
正当法拉利筹建其在阿布扎比的主题公园时,与其相邻的酋长国迪拜正加速筹备第一座F 1 - X主题公园的盛大开张。
DUBAI (AFP) -... hopeful of polishing an image tarnished by the debt woes afflicting the Gulf emirate.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates are in the area of seven second-largest emirate (after Abu Dhabi), United Arab Emirates are the economic center.
But analysts said Dubai's reputation as a business haven remained in question and the emirate still faced a tough task to reschedule the remaining bn of Dubai World's debts.
But analysts said Dubai's reputation as a business haven remained in question and the emirate still faced a tough task to reschedule the remaining bn of Dubai World's debts.