They also lead to generation of an intense electromagnetic pulse (EMP) which can significantly degrade performance of or destroy sophisticated electronic equipment.
In addition to other effects, a nuclear weapon detonated in or above the earth's atmosphere can create an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), a high-density electrical field.
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) generated by electrostatic discharges (ESD) can severely interfere with the normal operation of electronic systems and even damage them.
To explore the effects of Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) exposure on the nervous system of rats.
This paper deals with design principles, development and performance of a field measurement instrument for nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) based on signal transmission through fiber.
AIM to explore the alternating pattern of myocardial ultrasonic integrated backscatter of SD rats before and after being exposed to electromagnetic pulse (EMP).
This paper introduces the characteristic of electromagnetic pulse produced during electrostatic discharge (ESD EMP).
The electromagnetic pulse(EMP) damage mechanism and failure modes are obtained for the input port and output port of solid state relays by current injection method.
Objective To investigate the mechanism of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) -induced injury of hippocampal neurons in vitro as well as the possibility of protection by medicine.
This paper studies transmission characteristic of fast rising time EMP (electromagnetic pulse) signal in bounded-wave simulator by using numerical calculation.
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and High Powered Microwave (HMP) Weapons offer a significant capability against electronic equipment susceptible to damage by transient power surges.
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and High Powered Microwave (HMP) Weapons offer a significant capability against electronic equipment susceptible to damage by transient power surges.