Just find your file, tap a button, encrypt it!
If you're using HTTP Basic and sending it across the wire, encrypt it.
If you encrypt it before uploading, no-one can ever read that file.
First, the message is signed by using the sender's private key to encrypt it.
If you REALLY want it on your computer, then at least make sure you encrypt it.
When you send a message that is encrypted, you must encrypt it using your intended recipient's public key.
The previous tip assumes that you want to obscure serialized data, not encrypt it or ensure it hasn't been modified.
If you want to secure store content on mobile app or some other REST consumers then you will have to encrypt it before saving.
The firm collected too much data, kept it too long, did not encrypt it, lacked password protections and left its wireless network open.
If one of those people wishes to make her E-mail address available, she can reference it in her own FOAF files, and perhaps encrypt it as described above.
Password Keeper: password Keeper will be a program that lets you put all of your passwords in one file and encrypt it easily instead of using a flat file.
Since you will need the decrypted version of a connection string to connect to the database, you can't hash a connection string. You will need to encrypt it, instead.
With the event description text isolated from the event data and time, the next step is to write the event text to disk, and then encrypt it. Add the code shown below in Listing 5 at line 77.
In the encryption stage, the currently entered event text will be stored on disk, an external program will encrypt it, and then the encrypted file will be read in and sent to Google's servers.
Anyone with access to the public key can use it to encrypt messages, which can then be decrypted only by the key owner.
It will prompt you for the password you want to encrypt.
Instead, it encrypts the key that is used to encrypt your hard drive — that's how the software allows multiple keys.
The sample code generates a new secret key and uses it to encrypt and decrypt data.
We begin with an overview of what it means to encrypt and decrypt information, followed by some practical examples involving passwords and other data, using PHP's built-in functionality.
On the other hand, he could use your public key to encrypt the message, which means only your private key can be used to read it.
It contains a public key and a private key used to encrypt the data exchanged over the SSL connection.
Critics say that it did not protect its servers sufficiently and used algorithms to encrypt data that can be easily cracked.
For example, if the stored encrypted password is i83Uw28jKzBrZF, encrypt the incoming password and compare it to the stored one.
In general, the Encrypted Files system (EFS) support on AIX enables individual users on the system to encrypt their data and also access it through keyed protection.
总的来说,AIX上的EncryptedFilesSystem (EFS)支持让系统上的用户可以加密他们的数据,还可以在密钥的保护下访问数据。
With access to the WebSphere MQ file Transfer Edition agent's command queue suitably restricted, a useful enhancement might be to encrypt the file data as it flows between agents.
Abdera also includes objects that make it possible to integrate easily with client side certificates, to automatically encrypt Atom data at the servlet level, and more.
However, keep in mind that using XPath expressions also makes it possible to just encrypt some part of a service data object of an XML message.
WebSphere MQ alone can encrypt the data in transit as messages traverse channels, but it does not encrypt the messages while the queue manager processes them.
WebSphere MQ alone can encrypt the data in transit as messages traverse channels, but it does not encrypt the messages while the queue manager processes them.