After a few seconds it struck me that what we'll end up calling these things is tablets.
Mr Daniels’s response was: “You need to do this or you’ll end up with single payer [the single scheme that the protesters in Indianapolis were calling for].”
When you use metaphor, do not mix it up. That is, don't start by calling something a swordfish and end by calling it an hourglass.
This means that the library you end up being linked to had better be compatible with the code that's calling it.
Perhaps you do not have write access to the directory where you end up trying to deliver those messages, which will most likely cause the calling process to bounce them back to the sender.
But he will have worried it, by calling on the first day, November 16th, for "an end to night raids" -isaf's practice of rounding up and sometimes killing its enemies in private homes.
But he will have worried it, by calling on the first day, November 16th, for "an end to night raids" -isaf's practice of rounding up and sometimes killing its enemies in private homes.