A voice asks whether she is prepared to endure cold, hunger, mockery, prison and death, all of which await her on the other side.
We were part of the most powerful wartime coalition in human history through World war II, and stitched together a community of free nations and institutions to endure a Cold war.
It was an icy cold night, such as is almost unknown with us; but in the overcrowded hall there was such excessive heat as only Russians can endure.
'I've learnt how to endure the freezing cold by meditating. It's surprising but it really helps.
The cold of the dark and dirty water is so penetrating that one diver had to endure body tremors.
Some of Northern Ireland's most vulnerable pensioners have had to endure the recent freeze without their cold weather payments.
Comforting and at the same time reassuring in a way that only those who endure long, cold winters can understand.
If you've been taking some time off or haven't had to endure cold-weather riding in awhile, you may not be fully prepared for the frigid onslaught.
If you've been taking some time off or haven't had to endure cold-weather riding in awhile, you may not be fully prepared for the frigid onslaught.