At present the demand for high calorific value and little pollution petroleum is the biggest in the energy consumption pattern.
But the data shows changes in the pattern of global energy consumption that are likely to indicate long-term change.
With consumption falling, energy prices declined in 2009, though again the pattern varied by fuel.
Without any devices installed in the home, the company's technology performs pattern-recognition analysis to derive information about an individual's energy consumption.
In order to reduce the energy consumption and ensure the security in wireless sensor network, the secure data aggregation algorithm based on pattern codes was designed.
The whole cluster energy consumption was decided by the communication pattern and topology of cluster.
The thesis has been recollected relating to economy-energy-environment's research in the world, introduced the economic growth pattern basing on the constraint of environment and energy consumption.
In this new situation, the economic growth pattern at the price of "high energy consumption, high pollution and high emissions" is facing the transformation pressures from inside and outside.
The sanitation pattern established during the early urbanisation in Europe is increasingly criticized because of the high consumption of water and energy as well as the loss of the resources.
Using equipment and production process with high efficiency, low energy consumption and low emission is an effective way save energy and transform the pattern of economic growth.
Using equipment and production process with high efficiency, low energy consumption and low emission is an effective way save energy and transform the pattern of economic growth.