Two special restaurants engaging in Chinese food, Asian-style dishes, and all-day supply of special food.
The Chinese locations add visual interest, there are scenes of splendor in mountains and on the Great Wall, and the characters are once again engaging.
A survey indicates that they learn Chinese for the main purpose of travelling in China, engaging in trade activities and knowing China and the Chinese culture.
The series of products is suitable for Chinese language teachers and practitioners engaging in jobs related to TCFL.
Contractors should comply with Chinese safety in production and labor protection related laws and administrative regulations while engaging in the exploration and development work.
Engaging in such a research is of high significance in filling in the blanks of Chinese forestry culture.
In after work, unceasingly, learning engaging in advanced study of drawing fine arts, promoting ego, graduate in Chinese painting and calligraphy correspondence university in 2007.
I went in the following morning and found the new boss a charming and engaging Chinese man with various business interests including publishing and communications.
How to help the Chinese film to thrive and get out of its present predicament has become a subject which is drawing the attention of all the people engaging in film business.
The goal of the study is to improve their Chinese language proficiency and skills through engaging them in systematic study to achieve a score of at least 180 on the new HSK (level 5).
The goal of the study is to improve their Chinese language proficiency and skills through engaging them in systematic study to achieve a score of at least 180 on the new HSK (level 5).