Under it, Iran would give up most of its uranium stockpile in return for enriched fuel for a medical reactor.
Does Iran expect to get the 20% enriched fuel rods from another source, while its own uranium is under Turkish guard?
The letter spells out a plan for Iran to send 1,200 kilograms of low-enriched uranium to Turkey for higher-enriched fuel for a medical research reactor in Tehran.
Russia is legally required to ensure that the re-enriched fuel and reprocessed waste is returned or properly disposed of, but only a small percentage of the original material gets sent back.
But Iran's response to Brazil's offer to serve as a neutral repository for Iran's stocks of enriched fuel as part of an attempt to revive a mooted solution to the nuclear stalemate has been vague.
All the more important, then, to keep a close eye on plants that produce quantities of such dangerous materials-especially where uranium is enriched and plutonium is extracted from spent fuel.
But an IAEA report said Iran just last week resumed making low-enriched uranium, suitable for power plant fuel, with a cascade of 164 centrifuges at its pilot enrichment plant.
To make fuel for electricity-generating reactors, uranium is enriched to less than 5 percent of the isotope U-235.
Australia could quadruple its 2005 revenue from exporting uranium oxide (mainly to America, France and Japan) if it enriched and fabricated the fuel first.
Under that arrangement, Russia is providing the enriched uranium fuel for the reactor.
Scientists have long sought easier ways to make the costly material known as enriched uranium - the fuel of nuclear reactors and bombs, now produced only in giant industrial plants.
科学家一直在寻找更简单的方法制造名为浓缩铀的昂贵材料- - - - - -核反应堆和炸弹的燃料,现在只在大型工厂生产。
Tehran has so far rejected a deal that would remove most of its enriched uranium stockpile for a year and replace it with nuclear fuel rods which would be much harder to turn into weapons.
Enriching raw uranium is more expensive than converting highly enriched uranium to fuel grade.
But at times, recycled Soviet bomb cores have made up the majority of the American market for low-enriched uranium fuel.
Professor Bunn says there are currently about 130 research reactors around the world that still use highly enriched uranium for fuel.
In response, the Iranian Foreign Minister proposed on December 12 that Iran will swap 400 kg of enriched uranium for nuclear fuel.
Q: There is a deadline by the end of this year for Iran to swap lowly-enriched uranium for nuclear fuel, or face more sanctions. What's China position's on this?
The UO2 fuel is normally enriched with 3-5% of U235. The uranium alloy has been enriched to contain up to 90% U235, but is normally used at between 45-75% U235 enrichment in PWR for ships propulsion.
UO 2一般内含3- 5%的U235,而铀合金经过浓缩则含有90%的U235,但是船用推进器一般使用U 235含量为45 - 75%的浓缩铀。
For the next ten years, its uranium fuel (enriched to under 5%) will come from Russia too and the spent fuel will go back there.
Benefits such as fuel and energy savings plus lower total emission volumes are often achieved when air is enriched or replaced with higher-purity oxygen.
It calls for Iran to trade about 80 percent of its domestically produced low-grade uranium for more highly enriched nuclear fuel from France and Russia.
Benefits such as fuel and energy savings plus lower total emission volumes are realized when air is enriched or replaced with higher-purity oxygen.
The move comes amid a worsening stand-off over a Western offer for Iran to swap enriched uranium for nuclear fuel.
It is the problem for direct reduction process with oxygen enriched gas generated from solid fuel to produce qualified reduction gas.
Then the mixture must be quickly enriched with extra fuel.
It have been proved, at home and abroad, that oxygen-enriched air blast can intensify smelting in BF, rise productivity greatly and increase fuel injection.
Yet he won't ship enriched-uranium fuel to Iran's all-but completed nuclear reactor while its enrichment work goes on.
Yet he won't ship enriched-uranium fuel to Iran's all-but completed nuclear reactor while its enrichment work goes on.