Enter your user name, password and confirm password then click Next.
If you have registered, enter your user name and password to login.
You just need to enter your user name and password and click on login to enter the system.
In the Connection Properties dialog box, enter your user name, password, server name, and database name.
If you forgot your password, enter your User Name at right. We'll send the password to you by email.
You will be taken to a page to put in some details. Enter your user name and the email address on file for that account.
When you are prompted to log in, if the values are pre-filled, as Figure 6 shows, click OK; otherwise, enter your user name and password, and then click OK.
When using these connections for the first time, you are required to enter your user name and password information in order to connect to the databases.
Keep in mind that as you enter your user name according to your (hopefully well-practiced) timings, it make take a few tries to enter your user name with enough precision to match the expected values.
Enter your name, User ID and your email address.
JDBCUserName: Enter db2admin or your database user name.
In your source code, you will allow the user to enter a name and display the value in the target portlet.
Enter the user name and password that your server will use; our example USES wps-server.
输入服务器要使用的用户名和密码;我们的示例使用的是wps - server。
Edit the file and enter the user name, password, and URL of your JRules RES db for the persistenceProperties property.
编辑文件并针对 persistenceProperties属性输入JRulesRESdb的用户名、密码和URL。
It displays the initial greeting, "Hello, please type your name and then press the enter key" and waits for the user to enter something in the text box labeled user name.
它显示最初的欢迎消息“Hello,pleasetypeyour nameandthenpresstheenterkey”,然后等待用户在标签为user name的文本框中输入用户名。
Enter a name (use your name), user ID, and E-mail address (your E-mail address), and then select the appropriate Repository, Permissions and Client Access Licenses for your new user (see Figure 2).
输入name(使用您的名字),userID,以及您的e -mailaddress(您的e - mail地址),然后为您的新用户,选择合适的Repository,Permissions和ClientAccessLicenses(如图2所示)。
Enter the appropriate information, including your user name and password, as shown in Figure 5.
Go ahead and enter apacheu for the user name and password on your system, and click the Submit button.
If you want to be kept informed, enter your own Trac user name here.
If you are our Customer, please enter your Customer Name and password to login to the User Control Panel.
When your computer restarts, you'll see your name appear in a dialogue box and you'll need to enter your password to access your user area.
If you go there, you can just go right into the site and find everything you need, or you may need to enter in the box, we say enter, the verb is "to enter" your user name, that means who you are.
If you go there, you can just go right into the site and find everything you need, or you may need to enter in the box, we say enter, the verb is "to enter" your user name, that means who you are.