Enterprise cultural competitive power is one of the most important factors, which determines enterprise competitive power.
Second, is helpful in the enterprise staffs synthesizes the quality the enhancement, also is helpful to the enhancement enterprise competitive power.
It establishes the modern enterprise system to our country enterprise, raises the supervisory control level and enhance the enterprise competitive power.
How USES own superiority, controls the more physical distribution resources and performs the effective use, is the physical distribution enterprise competitive power manifests importantly.
The decisive factors for foreign trade enterprise competitive power are the product's price, cost, scale, quality, emergency power, technology, sale, leaders' power and the external environment.
The future competition between enterprises will be the competition of their culture, enterprise culture is the core competitive power.
The competitive power of the enterprise decides the national competitive power, so the study on the corporate governance has great theoretical and practical meaning.
Be apt to USES the power of network public relations, the enterprise is sure can from inside intense competitive environment, the deathtrap of buy is born after that!
The development of CSP strip product in future was proposed for adjusting construction of products and rising market competitive power of the enterprise.
为调整产品结构,提高企业的市场竞争能力,提出了未来开发CS P板带材产品的几点建议。
The purpose of SCM is to strengthen core competitive power of nodal enterprise, fast reaction to market demand, improve market competitive power of the whole supply chain finally.
Enterprise image is of great importance to the mining enterprises. The enterprise can enhance its competitive power by choosing a right cut in point and carrying out image forging.
With these indexes, the textile enterprise can get on the comparative study, so as to get out the gap and can raise the competitive power time after time.
To keep its advantage in HR, an enterprise has to continuously improve its employees' competence by training and developing, thereby enhance its competitive power and fulfill its strategy.
Cultural power is the core of the competitive capability for the modern enterprise in the market.
According to the actual situation of textile enterprise, effect of technological reformation on the competitive power of textile enterprise is analyzed, and the evaluation indexes are put forward.
Can use external capital strength, rapid spanning to capture new steps, will be decided enterprise whether open distance, ensure that the new competitive market advantage most main power!
It has certain instruction and reference significance to analyze and appraise core competitive power of our country logistics enterprise.
To keep the competitive advantage, enterprise group of electric power industry needs to supervise and manage the operation activity and potential risks of its affiliated enterprises.
The enterprise facility planning must solve some to be helpful enhances the competitive power, the promotion enterprise efficiency deeper level question in the enterprise.
Business culture gives the enterprise spiritual support to improve nucleus competitive power.
The reconstruction of manufacture enterprise flows system is the advantageous way to reduce the product cost, enhance the competitive power.
With the rapid development of economy, the supply relationship management becomes more and more important, which has been the key factor in the competitive power of enterprise.
The core competitive power of an enterprise is decided by human being, Many successful CEO have said that the success of their enterprises is depend on their talents.
The core competitive power of enterprises is based on the management of enterprise 'knowledge in the knowledge economy times.
At present international competition is becoming intensive increasingly, enterprise must use advanced and suitable production management methods to enable itself to obtain competitive power.
Under the dynamic environment, the strategic competitive power of an enterprise is the most essential factor of the enterprise's long strategic plan.
The enterprise 'culture is the foundation of enterprise's core competitive power, the great power of enterprise's culture can make the enterprise get supernormal crossover development.
The paper introduces how Shui Cheng Iron & Steel improves the products quality and intensifies the market competitive power by drafting and carrying out enterprise inside control series standard.
This paper discusses LaiWu Steel Corporation (LS co.) CRM mode from enterprise strategic perspective to acquire its core competitive power through a management consultant's eyes.
This paper discusses LaiWu Steel Corporation (LS co.) CRM mode from enterprise strategic perspective to acquire its core competitive power through a management consultant's eyes.