It does not provide in-depth, low-level, expert functions to manually examine the entire object graph within the heap.
The one passenger whom Keefe presents as the Golden Venture's everyman, a teenager named Sean Chen, receives not much more than a dozen pages through the entire book, and the portrayal lacks depth.
A zipper's enumeration functions allow you to traverse the entire tree in depth-first order, as shown in Figure 11.
Sometimes the shadows and shade create repeating geometric shapes that sometimes stretch the entire length of the wall and sometimes creating unique blends of color and depth on the grey walls.
Its welded black metal screens visually delimit the space and maintain the full depth of field of the entire volume.
Search options allow you to establish how deep and how far the spider should go - maximum depth , current directory, entire site.
The position or depth of the gas lift valves is crucial to the efficient operation of the entire system.
This paper introduces entire focus imaging technology, including the focus and depth theory, fast entire focus lens, fast imaging technique and signal conditioning circuit.
Depth in defensive actions is obtained by attacking the enemy throughout his entire formation to delay, disrupt, and finally destroy him.
You may write in depth about one or two sections, or attempt to treat the entire dance as a whole.
The entire building is developed around the apartments in layers that extend into urban space and, as a whole, becomes a volume with depth and diverse spatial qualities.
In the entire training process, all the leaders gave us many help about education carefully, so that we not only obtain lots of knowledge, but also a more in-depth understanding of education.
Using graph theory of adjacency matrix as a conversion, a depth-first search to the entire map, can be cut at all possible paths.
Using graph theory of adjacency matrix as a conversion, a depth-first search to the entire map, can be cut at all possible paths.