Others, including those from the State Environmental Protection Administration, argue that China needs to limit car use and move more quickly to tighten clean-air rules.
The safety of MNSR is concerned by the China National safety Administration, National Environmental Protection Bureau and surrounding public of MNSR.
Actively responding to the call of "Eliminating ODS materials" by the UNDP and the State Environmental Protection Administration of China, the company has developed environment of the earth.
The marine environmental information is the primary decision-making basis of marine exploitation, marine environmental protection, military affairs safeguard and ocean administration.
The locality feature of the environment and environmental problems puts the primary responsibility for environmental protection on the local environmental administration.
In this paper the right, obligation and some problems of pollution emitted unit in environmental administration lawsuit were drawn up so as to maintain the legal system of environmental protection.
With the enhancement of environmental consciousness, the administration of the water pollution and regeneration of the solid offal is the focal point of present environmental protection.
The development of consequences assessment and forecast system for nuclear accidents for State Environmental Protection Administration follows the principles of maturity and practicality.
The environmental statistic is one of the basic tasks of the environmental protection administration; it provides effective bases for formulating environmental protection rules and regulations.
Division of work:in charge of education, culture, physical training, hygiene, environmental protection, and drug administration, etc.
The municipal department of environmental protection may entrust its subordinate agency of protection of sources of drinking water with specific supervision and administration.
Widely is suitable for professions and so on metallurgy, mine, petroleum, chemical industry, coal, electric power, building materials, municipal administration, environmental protection.
The practical standards shall be formulated separately by the Municipal Administration Committee and the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau together with the relevant departments.
Article 3 the State environmental Protection Administration shall supervise and administer the prevention and control of environmental pollution by electronic waste across the country.
Article 50 the enforcement rules for this Act shall be proposed by the Environmental Protection Administration and submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval before promulgation.
Article 50 the enforcement rules for this Act shall be proposed by the Environmental Protection Administration and submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval before promulgation.