Birth Defects; Orofacial clefts; Casecontrol Study; Environmental risk factors.
To explore the environmental risk factors of female breast cancer in Tangshan area.
Personal, equipment and environmental risk factors were identified from hospital records.
Genetic research will help guide our search for environmental risk factors, and vice versa.
AMD can cause blindness and is known to have both genetic and environmental risk factors.
Objective: to study the interaction between HLA-A26 allele and environmental risk factors in psoriasis.
目的:研究银屑病hla - A 2 6等位基因与环境危险因素之间的交互作用。
Many studies have shown that environmental risk factors and exposures contribute greatly to many cancers.
By focusing on reducing environmental risk factors, nearly a quarter of the global burden of disease can be prevented.
Osteoporosis is a complex disease determined by genetic and environmental risk factors or the interaction of them.
Objective To estimate the population attributable risk for environmental risk factors in the development of gastric cancer.
Objective To investigate the environmental risk factors associated with the development of congenital heart diseases (CHD).
Its cause is unknown, but a complex mixture of genetic and environmental risk factors is thought to be to blame in many cases.
Some types of ASD will be largely genetically determined, but we know that many forms of ASD will involve environmental risk factors.
The incidence was gradually increasing associated with the increasing of environmental risk factors and the improvement of diagnostic technique.
Occupational injuries were caused by environmental risk factors such as equipment defects, management and organization of the production and human factors.
It has been hypothesised that environmental risk factors, such as parental smoking, number of siblings, and air pollution, are responsible for this increase.
Objective:Explore the environmental risk factors of early spontaneous abortion, so as to reduce the percent of miscarriage and Occurrence of adverse pregnancy outcome.
Cancer data may point to environmental risk factors or high risk behaviors, so preventive measures can be taken to reduce the number of cancer cases and resulting deaths.
The pathogenesis of both celiac disease and Crohn's disease is only partly understood, although it is known that they are affected by both genetic and environmental risk factors.
Thus, the fact that twins grow up in the same house and experience the same environmental risk factors, does not contribute by itself to the variance in susceptibility to asthma.
While ewe believe that environmental risk factors such as a lot of close work and lack of outdoor activity are implicated, we have not previously understood how people become short-sighted.
Objective: to explore the relation between the environmental risk factors and perinatal birth defects in Guangxi so as to take measures to intervene the occurrence of perinatal birth defects.
If the influence of the home environmental risk factors depends on genotype, as suggested by these results, genotype-environment explains the large heritability for asthma and related disorders.
Besides performing biomedical research, the new project also will strive to communicate findings that can lessen the risk of breast cancer via awareness and avoidance of environmental risk factors.
Hypertension and high cholesterol levels are both risk factors, but each condition has its own set of genetic risk factors, which interact with environmental influences such as stress and diet.
External environmental causes of cancer are factors in the environment that increase risk of cancer such as air pollution, UV radiation and indoor radon.
External environmental causes of cancer are factors in the environment such as pollutants that increase risk for cancer.
All this gives us important genetic and environmental data so that many risk factors can be considered in the same study.
The good news is that as researchers better understand the environmental factors that are responsible for autism, the more some of these factors may be modified to help lower the risk of the disorder.
The good news is that as researchers better understand the environmental factors that are responsible for autism, the more some of these factors may be modified to help lower the risk of the disorder.