"Most experts agree that the changes were related to something in the environment," says social epidemiologist Thomas Glass of The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
As part of the same study, Teresa Seeman, a social epidemiologist at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, found a connection between self-esteem and stress in people over 70.
"We haven't found evidence of infected pigs," said Ian Lipkin, a Columbia University epidemiologist and member of the World Health Organization's surveillance network.
Ernest Drucker, an epidemiologist, USES the tools of his trade to examine the laws and their consequences.
The Ministry of Health, supported by WHO has sent a multidisciplinary team including a virologist, an epidemiologist and an entomologist to investigate both outbreaks.
Of the more than 200 papers by French epidemiologist Antoine Flahault that are in one literature database, 14 are registered under the name "Flahaut."
Furthermore, an epidemiologist, a public health specialist and a water and sanitation engineer have been dispatched to support control activities in the field.
David Williamson, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was the lone exception.
The work is too preliminary to suggest that people should stop swimming, said Manolis Kogevinas, an epidemiologist at the Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona.
We didn't ask 'Why didn't you get enough rest or sleep?' said Lela McKnight-Eily, an epidemiologist for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who led the study.
负责此项研究的美国疾病防控中心的流行病学家莱拉•麦克耐特-艾莉说:“我们并没有提出‘为什么你没有得到足够的休息或者睡眠?’ 这一问题。”
"We think there may be a huge range of viruses involved," said Mady Hornig, an epidemiologist at the Center for Infection and Immunity.
The WHO team includes an epidemiologist, laboratory specialists and a pharmacologist/toxicologist who are providing technical support to the national intersectoral committee created for this purpose.
"We've made quite a bit of progress, " CDC epidemiologist Dr. Celeste Philip, lead author of a CDC report on breast-feeding, said in a telephone interview.
UNICEF is providing technical expertise and material in the area of water and sanitation; WHO has deployed an epidemiologist.
Dawn Terashita, an epidemiologist with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
And, 4.4 percent had vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy, ” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Xinzhi Zhang, an epidemiologist with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
By the early 1940s, as one epidemiologist wrote, "asking about a connection between tobacco and cancer was like asking about an association between sitting and cancer."
The study was headed by Matthew Zack, M.D., a medical epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta.
这项研究是在亚特兰大疾病控制与预防中心的流行病学家MatthewZack, M.D.的带领下进行的。
The leader of the other study was Madhukar Pai, an epidemiologist at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
另一项研究的负责人是加拿大蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学流行病学家Madhukar Pai。
Epicentre has deployed an epidemiologist to support the MSF team in the field.
Dr. Helen Egger, a child psychiatrist and epidemiologist at Duke University Medical Center, has studied the relationship between school refusal and conditions like depression and anxiety disorder.
海伦·艾格博士(Dr .HelenEgger)是杜克大学医学中心的儿童精神病学家和流行病学家。对拒学症同沮丧及焦虑性障碍的关系进行了研究。
"We found that birth weight of boys was on the average higher than that of girls," says senior author Dimitrios Trichopoulos, an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.
A Canadian physician and epidemiologist, Dr Aylward is the author of some 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles as well as a number of book chapters on immunization and disease eradication.
In addition, an epidemiologist and three data managers from the WHO Inter-country Support Team in Harare are assisting the WHO country Office in data monitoring, analysis and mapping.
Pablo Kuri, a Mexican epidemiologist, said three of the dead were children: a 9-year-old girl, a 12-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy.
But many—perhaps most—Americans fall short, according to research by epidemiologist Adit Ginde, MD, at the University of Colorado, Denver.
But many—perhaps most—Americans fall short, according to research by epidemiologist Adit Ginde, MD, at the University of Colorado, Denver.