And a bigger equity cushion should help to reduce the cost of debt by counteracting fears that debtholders are too exposed to losses.
In addition they will also have to pad this with another thinner cushion of equity equal to 2.5% of their assets.
This is a kind of debt that will automatically convert into shares if the bank's cushion of equity capital falls below 5%.
The best sort of capital to ensure a stable banking system is equity, because it directly absorbs losses and can thus cushion against systemic shocks.
In their scheme, when a bank's CDS price stays above a certain threshold, the regulator forces managers to inject enough equity capital to cushion bondholders against losses.
But a growing minority of loans look very different, with weak borrowers, adjustable rates and little, or no, cushion of home equity.
For decades, holders of the liabilities of Banks in the United States had felt secure with the protection of a modest equity-capital cushion, allowing Banks to lend freely.
Equity markets generally welcomed cuts in capital gains tax and on savings, and an expansionary fiscal policy helped cushion the blow after the bursting of the dotcom bubble.
Equity markets generally welcomed cuts in capital gains tax and on savings, and an expansionary fiscal policy helped cushion the blow after the bursting of the dotcom bubble.