Such a deal should satisfy Ireland’s euro-zone partners, which want an end to the uncertainty, and the European Central Bank (ECB), on which Ireland’s banks have become overly reliant for funding.
The European Central bank, too, has a ring of the stern German in its insistence that Banks in weaker euro-zone countries, Ireland's in particular, pay back their debts in full.
Central Banks in some rich economies, in particular Britain and the euro zone, still have room to cut rates-though it is notable how even fairly dramatic cuts are not working as they once did.
Central banks in some richeconomies, in particular Britain and the euro zone, still have room to cut rates—though it is notable however fairly dramatic cuts are not working as they once did.
On Thursday, five major central Banks agreed to lend additional dollars to European Banks in the euro zone.
The European Central bank, which is not a lender of last resort even to Banks in the euro zone, has been sniffy about lending to countries outside it.
Add all this together and the world's big three central banks-in America, the euro zone and japan-should worry most about falling prices.
Analysts said they believed the central Banks' action targeted one of the symptoms, rather than the root or cause, of the euro zone problems.
Such a deal should satisfy Ireland's euro-zone partners, which want an end to the uncertainty, and the European Central Bank (ECB), on which Ireland's banks have become overly reliant for funding.
Such a deal should satisfy Ireland's euro-zone partners, which want an end to the uncertainty, and the European Central Bank (ECB), on which Ireland's banks have become overly reliant for funding.