It can work even in bad weather.
My car corners well even in bad weather.
Good pigeons have very keen homing ability, even in bad weather and strong winds or if they hit snags.
Although the weather has been unpredictable in the past few years, this cannot be the reason for the decline in advance ticket purchases, because many people attended the concerts even in bad weather.
So the kind of people you find in Cambridge are the kind of people who want to live where the smartest people are, even if that means living in an expensive, grubby place with bad weather.
The warmer weather may make it tempting to keep your food as fresh as possible but putting bread, tomatoes and even cake in the fridge is a bad idea, according to experts.
The warmer weather may make it tempting to keep your food as fresh as possible but putting bread, tomatoes and even cake in the fridge is a bad idea, according to experts.