Indeed, except to the extent that the compilation has itself been enacted into positive law, the original session laws are in principle the final evidence of the law.
The shareholders of a corporation do not have a preemptive right to acquire the corporation's unissued shares except to the extent the articles of incorporation so provide.
Except and only to the extent that it is expressly permitted by applicable law, and, to the extent applicable law permits contractual waiver of such right, you hereby waive your rights to do so.
All other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, except to the extent that any such terms and conditions is inconsistent with the terms of this Addendum.
Both Parties shall treat the details of the Contract as private and confidential, except to the extent necessary to carry out obligations under it or to comply with applicable Laws.
All other provisions of the Agreement apply to Consignment Products, except to the extent this section conflicts with any other provision of the Agreement.
None of the remedies available to buyer for breach of warranties may be limited except to the extent agreed to by buyer in writing and signed by an authorized representative.
None of the remedies available to buyer for breach of warranties may be limited except to the extent agreed to by buyer in writing and signed by an authorized representative.