Otherwise we simply print the exception stack trace.
Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
When a task throws an exception that it does not handle, the runtime prints the exception stack trace to the console and then returns the thread to the thread pool.
When a finalizer throws an exception that it does not handle, the runtime prints the exception stack trace to the console and then allows the finalizer thread to resume running finalizers.
To deal with this, you can generate a stack trace in the constructor of the exception object during the throw exception statement.
You can see a stack trace in the exception object.
When the server reports an unexpected exception, you can examine the classes and methods of the associated stack trace to determine which application caused, or was involved in, the exception.
This response wraps the stack trace of the server-side exception into the SOAP fault detail.
If this exception isn't caught, it will immediately kill the application with an error message and stack trace dumped to the console.
Creating and logging the exception incurs some overhead, but the stack trace is invaluable for tracking down who caused the problem.
In the second case, the exception has been logged and the exception message and stack trace is available, but it doesn't contain the necessary information to resolve the exception's cause.
The way to fix it is to examine the exception that caused the ExceptionInInitializerError (shown in the stack trace under caused by:) and find a way to stop this exception from being thrown.
At DIAGLEVEL 3 (default), the db2diag.log captures a stack trace back, and even gives you the line number within the code where the exception is caught.
在DIAGLEVEL3(默认设置)上,db2diag . log捕获堆栈跟踪,甚至给出代码中捕获到异常处的行号。
Now we'll add a bit of complexity by accessing the stack trace of an exception.
Adding an exception to the trace logger (Listing 3) prints the error message along with a full stack trace.
And, if you want to log where the exception happened, you don't have to manually parse the stack trace.
First of all, the exception and its stack trace must be logged.
The stack trace includes frames from both the new and original location, with the text "End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown" separating the two.
堆栈跟踪同时包括新的和原来位置的帧,并通过“Endofstack tracefrompreviouslocationwhereexceptionwasthrown”文字分割两者。
But the trace of every method invoked before the exception was thrown is already available in the exception's stack trace which leaves this kind of logging redundant.
Logs an error using the message, and optionally the stack trace, from the given exception.
Logs a warning using the message, and optionally the stack trace, from the given exception.
Filtered information includes a standard remoting exception but no server stack trace.
Complete exception information includes the exact server exception and the server stack trace.
Once an exception is thrown, part of the information it carries is the stack trace.
The stack trace is a list of the method call hierarchy that starts with the method that throws the exception and ends with the method that catches the exception.
Logs an error using the message, and optionally the stack-trace from the given exception and any inner exceptions.
Logs an error using the message, and optionally the stack-trace from the given exception and any inner exceptions.