Every exercise routine needs to have a steady balance between strength training, endurance training, and cardiovascular training. Today's topic, strength training, plays a huge roll in this equation.
The exercise therapy group received a home program focusing on pain contingent training of back, abdominal, and leg muscle functional strength and endurance, stretching, and cardiovascular fitness.
It can be concluded that endurance and static exercise training can obviously increase NO contents and NOS activity in plasma.
Objective: To study the training intensity of Submariner Endurance Exercise(SEE) and the effects of SEE on the subjects' physical capacity and pulmonary function.
Conclusion (1) Both endurance and high-intensity intermittent training can enhance skeletal muscle glucose transport capacity significantly after glycogen-depletion exercise.
Objects of the study are Kunming rats (half male and female) and an endurance exercise model is set up by progressive load swimming training.
Conclusion:Diet and endurance training, especially diet plus low intensity exercise, can improve the expression of antiapoptotic gene in cardiac muscles of diabetic rats.
Methods Male Kunming mice were used to set up animal model by endurance-training and exhaustive exercise.
Methods Male Kunming mice were used to set up animal model by endurance-training and exhaustive exercise.