An exhaust heat recovery apparatus (10) includes a Stirling engine (100) and a clutch (6).
The ventilation system consists of a supply and exhaust air unit with a counterflow heat exchanger which provides 85% heat recovery.
After analyzed waste heat recovery potential foundation on the sulfuric acid production and the yellow phosphorus exhaust, point out to make use of the mode leading to descend industrialization path.
During the recovery of heat energy from the cylinder exhaust of diesel engines, the installation can greatly reduce noise pollution and mostly eliminate exhaust lampblack.
In the experiment, a secondary water recovery system is set to reclaim waste heat from engine jacket coolant and exhaust, which is a very important part of GEHP.
Result shows that decreasing fluid rate and shortening switching time can decrease the temperature of the exhaust gas and increase the recovery rate of waste heat.
Conventional heat exchangers of convective heat transfer for the recovery of diesel exhaust heat suffer from easily fouled heating surfaces and a low heat transfer factor.
According to the efficiency of heat exchanger, we can determine the suitable conditions of outdoor air for heat recovery from exhaust air by considering energy consumption of fan.
According to the efficiency of heat exchanger, we can determine the suitable conditions of outdoor air for heat recovery from exhaust air by considering energy consumption of fan.