Across the American continents, exotic species are those introduced after the first European contact.
Both native and exotic species can become invasive, and so they all have to be monitored and controlled when they begin to get out of hand.
According to the facts that we know, (1) D. simulans is an exotic species;
The exotic species has caused problems for the shrimping industry in other parts of the world.
When importing a lot of exotic species, we should not forget to conserve local breed resources.
Two forest specialists showed significant increase in densities, one is native and the other is exotic species.
For many in the West, diseases are a bit like birds: everyone gets them but poor countries have more exotic species.
But thinking of my husband as an exotic species gave me the distance I needed to consider our differences more objectively.
There is a beautiful open garden surrounded by butterflies and other exotic species that you can view by just walking around.
Other Exotic species have been introduced for landscape restoration, biological pest control, sport, pets, and food processing.
The effects of exotic species to ecosystems are mainly on the productivity, soil, water, disturbance, community structure and dynamics.
She was English, which in those days — we are speaking of half a century ago — made her an exotic species in our little Irish seaside town.
Undeterred, the Filipina — still in her pearls — stepped gracefully into the water, as the Hawar Islands welcomed another exotic species into its midst.
In this article, survey of the present status of invasion of exotic species was described and the way of invasion and harms caused by invasion were analyzed.
They have come to signify the human race's fondness for protecting plants - be they exotic species from distant lands or simply common, home-grown vegetables.
Objective to describe the invasion of exotic species into the composition of fly fauna in China and the significance of human-induced invasion of fly vectors.
Our majority products is edge banding veneer both for domestic and exotic species, includes rolling type, flake type , Horizonal-grain veneer and cladding veneer .
As to garden plants, exotic species on the same latitude are also gradually introduced and used in clever mix with local varieties to create new plant landscape space.
The ecological function of plantations can be improved by using a combination of fast growing exotic species and bird dispersed native species so as to accelerate succession.
Madagascar, which has been isolated from landmasses for more than 160m years, is the world's fourth largest island and a "conservation hotspot" with thousands of exotic species found only here.
Ecosystems free of species defined as exotic are, by default, considered the most natural.
Distinctions between exotic and native species are artificial.
The black market trade in exotic carnivorous plants is so vigorous now that botanists are keeping the location of some rare species a secret.
Sea temperatures have risen by 1c in the past 25 years and more exotic southern species have entered North Sea waters.
The single species used for plantations may be indigenous or exotic, but these plantations are intensively managed.
The giant panda is one of the world's most exotic and endangered species and can be found only in China.
Invasive species aren't just exotic animals, scary snakes or annoying insects.
They will protect species including sponges, sea squirts, corals, shellfish, and more exotic creatures such as the colourful cuckoo wrasse fish.
这15个地点将保护包括海绵动物、海鞘、珊瑚、甲壳类动物以及其他外来生物如波纹鱼(cuckoo wrasse)在内的生物种类。
The exotic looking lionfish, a favorite of aquarium owners, is a species of multi-colored, striped fish, also known as the Fire Fish because of its venomous spines.
充满异域风情的狮子鱼被赏鱼爱好者所青睐。 狮子鱼身上条纹斑斓,色彩丰富,但因为其脊柱有剧毒,所以也被人称为"火鱼"。
The exotic looking lionfish, a favorite of aquarium owners, is a species of multi-colored, striped fish, also known as the Fire Fish because of its venomous spines.
充满异域风情的狮子鱼被赏鱼爱好者所青睐。 狮子鱼身上条纹斑斓,色彩丰富,但因为其脊柱有剧毒,所以也被人称为"火鱼"。