The double mix of expansion agent and shrinkage-reducing agent is an effective way to reduce the drying shrinkage fall of expansive concrete.
Reinforcing concrete wall, grooving a stress-release slot in basement wall and adopting tiny expansive concrete are good measures to control the cracking.
The ground floor of the residence sits beneath an expansive concrete plinth that wraps around the house. This elevated plane serves as a deck for the floors above.
Steel tube take full advantage of the expansion properties of expansive concrete, have a greater chemical prestressing, and make higher lateral prestress for core concrete.
In order to prevent the cracks that would be likely caused by restricted conditions of the wet-joint, the wet-joint demands using expansive concrete to compensate the shrinkage and creep.
In this experiment, the abrasion resistance of concrete mixed with expansive compound mineral admixture is studied.
Expansive cement paste and joint concrete are next. And the bond splitting tensile strength of joint surface without bond material is least.
Based on the insufficiency of existing expansive admixture in compensating shrinkage of the mass concrete, a double expansive resources admixture is introduced.
To improve the impermeability of concrete, and reduce cracks in concrete created by the shrinkage, expansive agent is often added.
Increasing autogenous volume expansive deformation for compensating thermal shrinkage deformation of concrete may improve crack resistance.
This paper has made a thorough study on its properties and delved further into its mechanism of compensation on cement concrete shrinkage by adding concrete expansive agent.
Restraining the shrinkage and crack of concrete by using of expansive agent has been an effective controlling method since the setting of shrinkage-compensating theory.
A large number of project experience have shown that thermal stress and ice expansive pressure are the primary factors which cause mass concrete aqueduct to crack and wreck.
Suggestions are made for improving the quality of MgO, improving the method of mixing MgO in the production of concrete and for producing expansive agents with different speed of expansion.
Furthermore, the shrinkage of concrete is improved by the proven hydro-expansive property of mineral activator.
此外,研究还证明无碱矿物激发剂具有水化膨胀性,它在一定 程度上能改善混凝土的 收缩。
Furthermore, the shrinkage of concrete is improved by the proven hydro-expansive property of mineral activator.
此外,研究还证明无碱矿物激发剂具有水化膨胀性,它在一定 程度上能改善混凝土的 收缩。