Stress can build up and explode into problems.
As they fall they explode into smaller creatures (?)
In four days the plants explode into leaf and flower.
If you shoot a car in a movie, it will explode into a high flame ball.
If Mr Saleh does not go, Yemen may well explode into all-out civil war.
Binoculars cause the so -called haze to explode into view as myriad, distant stars.
Pulsars are the dense cores left over after stars of a certain mass explode into supernovae.
That unit will explode into a foul cloud on death, damaging nearby enemies and healing nearby Allies.
Seemingly meaningless little thought or ideas when acted upon have a potential to explode into great projects .
Seemingly meaningless little thought or ideas when acted upon have a potential to explode into great projects.
The look is just what you'd expect: Lego models that explode into Lego bricks woven into realish-looking backgrounds.
On sunny days, the little bit of light that bounced off a car's window would suddenly explode into an array of triangles.
Currently this kind of requests internally explode into 100's of large fetches, all of which are kept in memory in an inefficient way.
For example, many textbooks state that if a skull is initially intact, the brains will boil and cause the skull to explode into small fragments.
But when the couple dies in a shocking "accident", their infant son grows up to be a man whose rage can cause people to suddenly explode into flames.
In nearly every Congressional and Senate race, these are the issues that explode into attack ads, score points in debates and light up cable talk shows.
Do you fear that you'll burst into tears or explode with anger in front of her?
It seems that in a single cell, one or more of the chromosomes explode - literally into hundreds of fragments.
In the oil rig example, most oil RIGS do not explode or spew oil into the ocean.
They also believe the mysterious flash of light spotted earlier this month was a meteor that did not penetrate deep enough into Jupiter's atmosphere for it to explode.
Apparently - I haven't tried this and don't try this yourself but if you do throw a lit cigarette into a pool of gasoline, it just puts the cigarette out and it doesn't explode.
To wake up with her belly-up and demanding affection is to have your heart explode with the kind of joy that compels some people into a life of large-scale oil painting.
If left exposed to air, they may catch fire or explode, spreading radioactive particles into the air.
See the chart below, which will only explode further when updated for more recent figures that will take into account Internet access via mobile phones.
Duncan predicts that Uber blogs, blogs that combines different content streams into one large blog with one primary top level URL, will explode in 2009.
Duncan predicts that Uber blogs, blogs that combines different content streams into one large blog with one primary top level URL, will explode in 2009.