Exposure in the sun, the sand like glittering like gold.
Therefore, the car is equipped with leather seats, to prevent exposure in the sun.
When need long time stop outdoor conditions, the vehicle should avoid direct exposure in the sun, to prevent the door seals, skylight on the edge of the deformation and cracking due to heat.
Stay in the shade: To minimize sun exposure and summer heat, choose birding locations with plenty of shade.
If you anticipate the action at home plate which is in bright sun, you can set your exposure for the bright home-plate area in advance.
It's commonly found in arid regions to provide protection from direct exposure to the sun, as well to protect the mouth and eyes from blowing dust and sand.
Without the protection of sunscreen, just a few minutes of daily sun exposure over the years can cause noticeable changes in how skin looks and feels, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
Runners spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun, so it's important that we take steps to protect our skin from sun exposure.
On areas of the skin that have years of frequent and prolonged sun exposure, age spots appear when melanin becomes "clumped" or is produced in particularly high concentrations.
As the sun passed overhead then sank into the west it burned a bright path across the middle of the sky in this long-exposure image.
Unprotected skin on the arms and legs may need about 15 minutes of sun exposure a day in spring, summer and fall to make enough of the vitamin.
In all of our actions, we are clear: avoid excess exposure to UV and, when you have to be in the sun, protect your skin.
A team at University College Hospital, Besancon, in France, conducted the first study on how sections of the face age at different rates related to sun exposure.
法国贝桑松university College Hospital的一个研究小组日前进行了首例关于不同程度脸部老化和日晒关系的研究。
The sun crosses the sky roughly 180 times in an extremely long-exposure "solargraph" released by the Chile-based European Southern Observatory (ESO) on September 22.
The vitamin is made by the skin during sun exposure, or ingested in a small number of foods.
The composite picture includes an exposure of the eclipsed sun as it appeared over Antalya, Turkey, in March 2006.
In the early morning of the first sun exposure to the playground with campus began to boil.
Plants, in particular, are hard hit, as they are sensitive to the temperature, humidity, and exposure to sun and wind.
The beach enjoys full exposure to the sun, from early morning to late evening, and sun loungers can be rented when reserved in advance.
But compared with that group, the risk of dying from all causes was twice as great among the sun avoiders and 40% higher in those with moderate sun exposure.
The fish in the water to sun exposure, or when the fed can genius according to the size of the fish to feed.
These jeans were laundered by dragging them in large mesh nets behind the ship, and the exposure to sea water and sun would gradually bleach them to white.
Rising sun, sunset west down all day, exposure to bright sunlight through the Windows and warm in the room makes it especially bright.
Keeping in mind that extended sun exposure damages the skin, it is suggested to avoid prolonged sun exposure without protection.
With the time of being in the army and cumulative sun-exposure period, the prevalence of tanning, photoaging and polymorphous light eruption increased, while the prevalence of sunburn decreased.
With the time of being in the army and cumulative sun-exposure period, the prevalence of tanning, photoaging and polymorphous light eruption increased, while the prevalence of sunburn decreased.