The most extreme engineering project in the history of the world will be performed OFF the world... on Mars.
Combining a rocket, a jet and a racing-car engine into one vehicle is engineering of an extreme sort, but record-breaking often demands that new problems be solved.
The literature of operations research and industrial engineering sometimes addresses cases of extreme complexity and difficulty.
The estimation of extreme wave height is one of the important factors in ocean engineering design.
The objective is to verify the predictions of engineering beam theory in so far as that theory defines the centerline deflection and extreme values of the normal stress.
Outliers problems may be present in sampling surveys. Outliers, called extreme high grade data in geological prospecting and mining engineering, usually correspond to very high grade mineralization.
In engineering design, the natural axis is located assumably the extreme row which is directed by the moment.
Traditional ATFs, however, are unable to meet these extreme requirements, and new fluids have emerged with each new advancement in transmission engineering.
New advances in extremes statistics are reviewed in this paper, with emphases on application to extreme weather and climate event research as well as in large-scale engineering design.
The solid transformation of materials under the extreme condition, such as extremely high magnetic field, become a focus in the field of the materials science and engineering.
Reasonably determining the return values of extreme water level is an important part to design disaster-prevention structures in coastal engineering.
The marine environmental extreme value parameters, such as wind speed, current speed, wave height and wave period play an important role in marine engineering design.
The engineering slope would be unsteady under the extreme condition of constant rainfall accompanied with seismic loading.
The engineering slope would be unsteady under the extreme condition of constant rainfall accompanied with seismic loading.