Now we have basically seen how the eye works we can look at its use in studying the night sky.
In the beginning of time, the skies were filled with flying elephants, Every night they lay down in the same place in the sky, And dream with one eye open.
This glittering metropolis of stars is easily found in the winter sky in the constellation Hercules and can even be glimpsed with the unaided eye under dark skies.
With a few tips and tricks you can actually learn to see more in the night sky using your naked eye.
The stars that the human eye can distinguish in the night sky are relatively near and are all part of the Milky Way.
The sky is clear, but the track can become covered with snow in a blink of an eye.
Ancient man also noticed how the five planets visible to the naked eye twinkled in the night sky.
Earlier this month, over Réunion Island in the Indian Ocean, a playful photographer with an eye for the sky took eight images and composed the above intriguing picture.
In 1716, English astronomer Edmond Halley noted, "This is but a little Patch, but it shews itself to the naked Eye, when the Sky is serene and the Moon absent."
The Cat's Eye nebula (NGC 6543) is one of the best known planetary nebulae in the sky.
猫眼星云(NGC 6453)是天空中最著名的行星状星云之一。
Both planets are thought to have overlapped in the night sky making them indistinguishable to the naked eye on June 17, 2 B.C..
For you never shut your eye, Till the sun is in the sky.
Binoculars help out with the search, although both worlds are actually visible to the unaided eye in a clear sky.
From the blue sky an eye shall gaze upon me and summon me in silence.
After a while, in the place where sky and sea, a small bright spot out of sea level, an instant thing that catches my eye.
A strange object that was floating in the sky caught Cory's eye.
Whether you believe or not believe that the eye in the sky are real.
Although the countryside is the best place to see the night's sky in all its glory, there was still some stunning scenes over London landmarks such as Canary Wharf and the Eye.
That season, sky clear, streams of people busily coming and going in the crowd, I do not know you are looking for who, one eye, is a million years.
From the blue sky an eye shall gaze upon me and summon me in silence.
The moon heard to open the big eye, the star listens to push all over the sky, the traditional virtue recorded in the heart.
In the dark Blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye Till the sun is in the sky.
My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eye.
So if you see a pool of blue water in the middle of the desert it's just the blue sky being redirected from the warm ground and sent directly into your eye.
Human colonial plan out the big problem, naked eye can perceive the sky of the moon has become much bigger than in the past.
The light was so bright, and there were so many stars sparkling in the snow, that the sky did not attract the eye, and the real stars were hardly noticeable.
The light was so bright, and there were so many stars sparkling in the snow, that the sky did not attract the eye, and the real stars were hardly noticeable.