In the long run, excuse makers fail to live up to their true potential and lose the status they care so much about.
Failure eis made a mistake, but fail to live up to experience.
We will never fail to live up to what our parents expect of us.
When we fail to live up to these goals, we walk away a bit damaged.
Even if I fail to live up to today, I will still hope for tomorrow.
Why does civil society always fail to live up to the expectation of its supporters?
Where we need to improve, or where we fail to live up to our ideals, we want the criticism.
Yet, if Africa's recent history is any guide, many of those elections will fail to live up to the name.
After undergoing such an experience, I felt more burdened and troubled by the thought continuously that I would fail to live up to their expectations.
As the law stands, employers can dismiss staff who fail to live up to "reasonable" dress code demands, as long as they've been given enough time to buy the right shoes and clothes.
Relationships become rocky when men and women fail to acknowledge they are biologically different and when each expects the other to live up to their expectations.
People base their whole identities on being successful in their role and when it doesnt live up to expectations, and they fail to keep a work-life balance, that impacts on their mental health.
People base their whole identities on being successful in their role and when it doesn't live up to expectations, and they fail to keep a work-life balance, impacts on their mental health.
But then we often fail also to live up to expectations that are really quite reasonable.
But then we often fail also to live up to expectations that are really quite reasonable.